Community Service Initiative (CSI) - Week 14 + Reflection

In this final week, we made adjustments based on the final comments given from CSM, which is to rearrange logo placements and change the font into another font that is more readable.

These posts are published in our Instagram account @escapethefraud_csi
and our Twitter account @EscapeFraud_CSI

 Graphic Post 1

Graphic Post 2

Graphic Post 3

Graphic Post 4

Graphic Post 5

Graphic Post 6

Graphic Post 7

Graphic Post 8

Graphic Post 9

Graphic Post 10
We have also made ammendments in the video version based on the ammended graphic posts.
Video is also uploaded on our Youtube channel. Do check it out!


Through this 14 weeks of learning journey, I can't actually believe that I managed to produce a graphic design as good as I did by the end. It was my first time producing a graphic design for a community service initiative project. Initially, I was worried about the idea of working on a graphic design/video as a team based on the written requirement in the project brief. I find it a little difficult to imagine how we are supposed to come up with a design that everyone can work on simultaneously and produce an equally similar themed design of the chosen concept. This was a semester in which everything is conducted online due to the pandemic, so there might be some miscommunications and technicalities that we couldn't share and solve together like how we used to in a normal situation. However, I was grateful to be able to work in a team with helpful and cooperative groupmates and receive continuous constructive feedback and assessments from my lecturers. We may have started off with a graphic that lacks the quality if compared to everyone else's, and there was definitely a period of crisis in the middle of this project when we faced a dilemma on the identity of our concept and struggled to come up with a totally new concept in a short period of time. I'm glad we took the risk to change everything and go forward with the new concept though, because the final result looked a whole lot better than before and this was definitely beyond my own expectations if compared to the one during the first weeks of the project. We were mostly glad that our lecturer approved of our new concept too, after we presented our new concept, and that lifted a lot of anxiety within me, as I kept on worrying about certain copyright issues. 
I learnt about the trends of current cybercrime issues from a presentation by CyberSecurity Malaysia, some of those crimes which I'm already aware of. I also learnt about creating a concept to present the tips of 'preventing online shopping fraud' (which is one of the cybercrime topics with the highest number of cases) in a playful and visual way to attract viewer's attention and keep them engaged. I also learnt a new found skill in creating GIFs using Photoshop, which wasn't as difficult as it seems and it was quite fun creating interactive GIF series. 
In overall, I am satisfied with the learning outcome of this module. And I hoped that the graphic design that me and my groupmates created could somehow educate the viewers and provide them tips to prevent online shopping scam, as well as leave a positive impact for the society. 
