Community Service Initiative (CSI) - Week 9

Due to the anxiousness regarding copyright issues and the quality of our work, we decided to just start a new concept from scratch again. We know its quite late to start all over again, but we decided that we wanted to give our best and to not have our final year results at stake.

We conducted a few meetings over the weekends to brainstorm about our concept and work on the new storyline. After much inspiration searching and contemplation, we decided upon a game concept similar to an 8-bit Mario Bros game, in which the character would do a shopping spree while also trying to run away from the thieves (fraud). Which we called "Escape The Fraud".

Escape The Fraud in progress

We went all out for this one, by creating some of the graphics ourselves, also editing and combining some graphic elements from royalty free sources (because none of us are really confident in drawing out the graphics ourselves). We very much are trying our best to avoid copyright issues here.

As you can see on the picture above, there are 10 slides that are according to instagram's post regulations. And these frames are still in progress for the time being (week).
