Community Service Initiative (CSI) - Week 12

It's the awaited final presentation with the whole team of our CSI lecturers and staffs from the Cyber Security Malaysia. Based on last week's review from our lecturers, we added sound effects to the video for optimum watching experience. We started with a short intro explaining our concept and continued with presenting our graphics for the Instragram slides posts while also briefly explaining the graphic representation behind each graphic slides.

Instagram Slide Post 1

Instagram Slide Post 2

Instagram Slide Post 3

Instagram Slide Post 4

Instagram Slide Post 5

Instagram Slide Post 6

Instagram Slide Post 7

Instagram Slide Post 8

Instagram Slide Post 9

Instagram Slide Post 10
After the Instagram posts, we presented the video that is now enhanced with audio and sound effects for Youtube.

Video (with Audio)
 And we finally presented the graphic posts that we have uploaded to our new Instagram account @escapethefraud_csi to show how it works. Well, to be honest, the initial intention was to have all the graphics in a single post so the viewers can slide through the slides as the mechanism. But we figured out that it'll be better to show it in its all full glory by posting 1 slides per post, like how everyone did.
Instagram explanation video

By the end of the presentation, we were actually hoping for a little more appreciative comments, from the staffs, other than a 'good' towards the end. They generally just commented on the logo arrangement which was supposed to be Taylors - Kementerian - CyberSecurity by order. They also suggested on the change of font as it might be a little difficult to read, which might be subjective. In overall, we were glad the project was over, and we are very much satisfied with out own work. We are however exhausted knowing that we had to redo the whole process just to change the logo arrangements, because it involves changing the whole GIF and redoing the whole video.
