Community Service Initiative (CSI) - Week 6

We had a tutorial this week for an update of our proposal following last week's comment from the presentation with the CyberSecurity representatives.

Instagram Cover Page

I did an updated version of the previous Instagram cover page. I basically tried to animate more of the cover page and added the "I GOT SCAMMED" all over with an intention to try 'grab more attention' to the issue we are campaigning for, as mentioned on the feedback last week.

Facebook Post
Twitter Post

We also did posts for Facebook and Twitter as well, with the same content but different layouts. The layouts were adjusted according to the size of each platforms' posts.

We voiced out our opinions regarding certain issues like the colour scheme, because the remarks given last week was a little unconvincing so we decided to remain the colours for now. After further explanation from Ms Norji and reaching an understanding, we were given feedbacks for this week from Ms Norji to change the colour scheme, to edit the vectors to avoid copyright issues and to add logos from Taylor's University, CyberSecurity Malaysia and the Kementrian.
