Community Service Initiative (CSI) - Week 2

We had an online briefing with the CyberSecurity Malaysia's representative for this week's class. He talked and explained to us about the cyber issues in Malaysia such as cyber bullying, cyber harassment, cyber crimes, cyber threats and many more. These issues mentioned are dealt constantly by this CyberSecurity organisation. He also mentioned that they provided a platform for citizens to file for the cyber issues they encountered, which isn't that known to many yet. With the current fast speed the internet community is growing, the issues they deal with must have been exhausting and I sincerely are grateful for the work they did to protect us online.

At the end of the session, it is mentioned that us -students- are going to provide work in terms of digital art or a video related to the issue the representative has mentioned and highlighted.  It seems like the proposal we did earlier wasn't the right choice of topic so, we need to come up with new proposal of either 3 digital arts or 2 videos of our chosen topic to present for our lecturer's approval next week.
