Community Service Initiative (CSI) - Week 1

Based on the brief explanation by our lecturers and the written brief shared in Times. We decided to choose a topic related to the current trending issue on cyber harassment.

Topic Issue :
  • What is the issue? 
Sexual harassment has been a long time issue, but it has come to light in recent years, starting from 2006 by the ‘Me Too’ movement by Tarana Burke, and going viral in 2017 because of the hashtag #MeToo started by american actress Alyssa Milano, who shared her story of sexual assault against Harvey Weinstein. In Malaysia, there are still no specific law regarding the penalty for sexual harassment to protect the victim, specifically the women who suffer from victim blaming. In the case of men, most people would be unconvinced that they are actually the victim instead of the attacker, due to gender stereotypes.
  • Who is the potential victim? 
  • Who is the potential attacker?
Solution/Methodology : 
  • What is your proposed solution to the issue?
Creating a platform to report for online sexual harassment by the victim about the harasser to the CyberSecurity for authoritive action. 
  • How are you going to create awareness/execute using your solution?
By having a justice system and consequence penalty for the harasser’s action, they would be less likely to harass whoever because they are aware of the legal action that would be against them.
SWOT Analysis
  • S - Strength : Status quo regarding the issue?
Currently, there are still no specific law for cyber sexual harassment. Reports by the victims to the authorities are not prioritised because victim blaming is still a common mindset amongst the society. These criminals are not afraid to harass behind anonymous accounts. 
  • W - Weakness : What are the disadvantages/loopholes?
Everyone might take the word ‘sexual harassment’ too easily, and the platform could be misused for petty issues. 
  • O - Opportunity : How do you solve the issue?
  • T - Threat : 

Expected results :
Expected results are the decreasing amount of cyber harassment. Empowering the victims to speak up, and instilling awareness to the society regarding cyber harassment. By implementing ICs on social media to limit and prevent anonymous account used for bullying, authorities can immediately detect the harasser and detain them for punishment. 

References :

Everywhere, everyday, we would at least encounter comments intentionally or even unintentionally made about harassing someone online. Be it a social media celebrity or a commoner. And most of the victims are woman. They basically dictates how someone should live or shouldn't do online, and blame the victim's action based on their own standards of idealism. So we decided to propose a platform for victims to file a report for an immediate action from the authorities, as well as to provide them support and protection. We hope that this would somehow increase the awareness amongst the online community and decrease the online harassment.
