[Project 2] Set, "Capturing Drems", Burgeon

Students are required to identify their activities before sleep, capture/memorize their dreams of a maximum 3 nights of sleep (min. 2 nights) OR multiple naps during the day, translate dreams in series of artistic sketches (diary) and later, physically produce dream model of your captured dreams based on your artistic drawings. Students MUST be able to record any key elements FROM their dreams as process in producing their ‘dream’ model: 
Based on the recorded amount of drawings (diary) produced, students must converge their total dream artistic sketches/drawings into a singular piece of drawing, based on the highlighted key elements above as a reflection and finally, the dream model itself which materials can be sourced from any that closely matches your dream into a reality model


Me with my dream model and board

My dream, like any other dream, was unrealistic and weird. 
My first dream was about being trapped in a tea academy.  I was transported to another dimension unwillingly and forced to stay in the academy to learn how to make tea. Upon entering the tea academy, although the environment was quite beautiful with all sorts of floras and vines, I was greeted with sights of people being caged. I realized that they are about the same age as me or younger. I somehow knew that all of us are trapped here unwillingly, but none of us dare to rebel out of our way. The overall dream atmosphere was not that scary nor a thrill, but sort of like people being brainwashed into an obedient person, like robots, and all we do is learn. 
My second dream, was about me travelling on an airplane. I was sitting at the window seat, waiting for the plane to take off. Outside my window, I saw many people of different races, different age, waving various country flags at the roadside, saying farewell to us. After a few moments however, we have quite a turbulence while taking off. Everyone was so panicked, we all thought we were dying in the plane. Funny, turns out it was just a problem caused by a car accident far ahead of the road. 
My third dream, the final yet the briefest, was about me trying to make a drink. However it turned out really unusual because I was mixing kale and beer in the blender. 

So based on my unusual dreams, I extracted the words tea & herb, caged, curvilinear (road from second dream) and unusual. These keywords would be then represented in my model. The pipe arrangement (maze) would represent the caged (trapped), the shape of the gear that is unusual and the colorful fabric would represent the shape of tea & herb that is unique and unusual.

It was a long process from the start to finally being able to present my final model. The story of my final model is represented in the title, 'Urania Universum' which has the meaning of "were chosen so that the most diverse, colorful and interesting picture of the world in which we live, is conveyed. To spread this knowledge and, moreover, to convey happiness and relaxation, is the goal of our Urania Universe". The meaning relates back to my dream model and my programming. My programming was to increase cultural awareness of dying art cultures such as Batik, Kebaya Sulam and Nyonya Beadwork. And I plan to target woman and housewives that are jobless and would like to do something in their free time, learn new skills and bond with each other.

To sum up, through this project, I learnt to be braver in terms of exploring, expanding and developing further ideas into something that is unusual, out of the box. It enhances my critical thinking and trained me to think in a different perspective. That everything doesn't have to be symmetrical and balanced. It doesn't have to always be logical and literal all the time. That unusuality and weirdness could be beautiful in its own way too. 
