[Project 1a] Research: Site Context + Findings

[Project 1a] Research : Site Context + Findings

Site context and building analysis is a vital step in the design process. It involves the evaluation of an existing site in relation to the development program, environmental impact, impacts on the community and adjacent properties, project budget, and schedule. The site analysis identifies environmental, program, and development constraints and opportunities. A well-executed site analysis forms the essential foundation for a cost-effective, environmentally sensitive, and rational approach to project development. The physical, cultural, and regulatory characteristics of the site are initially explored. Some of these factors can be assessed by collecting and analyzing information; others are best addressed by walking the site and traversing its environs. 
In my beginning of semester 3, we are tasked to do a group research of JAO TIM, a cafe located in Kuala Lumpur, from a selection of topics provided by the lecturer. My group was left with the topic of 'Measurement, Drawings + Models'. We are required to do a measured drawing exercise of the site - include plans, sections and elevations. All structural members are must include the beam, column, slab, stairs, etc. The detailed model of the existing site within 2km radius as well as detail space model in an appropriate scale.

Presentation board

Presentation board 

Group picture

Scale 1:100 model of Jao Tim

Scale 1:100 model of Jao Tim

2km radius space model 

This was my first time experiencing measuring the whole site of an existing building. My part was the floor plan and location plan drawing. I learnt a lot of new things through the whole process, about how to measure site using a laser measurement, further learning of drawing a detailed floor plan, and understanding the materials, sections and division aspects of the building. Although this topic is a little more difficult than other topics, and even when we are so stressed when we initially received the topic, I realized that these knowledge and skills I gained through this project was worth all the hard effort, stress and late night studio works. It is useful for my future projects and assignment. It is also fun to do something new rather than doing researches like the other topics, although it did take us more time to finish it. 
