“An act or incident involving excitement, daring, or adventure.” “Getaway’s tiny houses offer an escape from city life”
This is the final project of the semester, which is still integrated with PROJECT 1 & PROJECT 2.


When people live in cities for a long period of time, the idea of leaving the hustle and bustle behind is either very appealing or totally unthinkable. Between crowded streets and overflowing public transport networks, life can be pretty hectic in the big cities. One of the main reasons that many people dream of getting away is because everything tends to move a lot slower. Being surrounded by nature and greenery has been proven to reduce the levels of stress and depression. Rather than waking up to the sounds of car horns, much more likely to wake up to birds singing.

Compact Living; Lightweight; Space Expression; Space Function

The ideas that form the basis of the project, seek to explore and reveal the issue of compact living. It has been about limited space, movement, distribution, and very much concerned about human comfort and adaptability.

Its design will identify and differentiate several functions of spaces through design. Furthermore, it is essential of accepting the human behavior and the psychology of space within the limited area. The use of progressive materials should complement the sleek design and quality of design to this escapade dwelling for ‘smart living & working’ environment.

This is to incorporate the artist privately owned workplace in designated space established within the artist’s residence (home office) to conduct their business tasks on a regular basis.


You are to design a combine space; a workplace where the end-user can work and live under the same roof, with considerations on how to fit it all in and yet achieved good comfort. This task shall give an idea how to cope with small spaces; living in a small space means to focus on good organization as well as design. The most important things to keep in mind are the functional needs, communal needs, personal needs, and privacy needs. Different combination of living are known by creating different plans of the space and using your creative mind to create multifunctional furniture.

The space given will be a two-20-footer shipping containers where you can configure the layout according to the site. The location of the project is in located in between the Royal Belum state park that you have identified earlier [location and its surroundings] to determine exactly how your ‘escapade living’ is placed. There are also some issues like how to survive and daily activities that need to be address before we can start with the design.

The units will design on the ground/cantilever/attachment using lightweight materials for private use as: Double Occupancy; Temporary home & working spaces; A specific user/profession & determine his/hers of their environment: profession & environment

Further on… 
In exploration of the space, you are to acquire knowledge on the functions of the space then form, define space characteristics by functions, aesthetic and environmental considerations.

Give an expression and emotions to the space derive from the keywords that you have obtain from the previous projects.

Obtain information on space requirements and programming of spaces.

Execute colour and graphical representation of ideas and proposal of the design project.

Project 3 Board Composition

After knowing my artist well enough (as much as public can find and know), the picture above shows the design that I came up with for him and his mother.

Through his instagram posts, I noticed that he likes open spaces (as reflected in the pictures he hashtagged as #someday #dreamhouse) and mid century modern design concepts, which I take into my considerations. Although his arts screams vibrant, fun and whimsical, he favors interior design that is more toned down but still with colorful contrasts. 

So this is how I came up with the idea. 
I took the irregularity from his art and his favor of open space to get the current shape and placement of the container. 

The second container (left) is a bit higher due to the site's uneven terrain, but the higher position also serves a purpose as a more "private" space, meanwhile the first container (right) which is the lower container serves a purpose as the "public" area. 

The left container consists of the bedroom, bathroom and the artists workspace. The platform at the middle is where Flore can exhibit his work, but also serves as a multifunctional area that can also be used for gathering/barbeques. The right container consists of the dining area, kitchen and living room, all for the purpose of entertaining guests and visitors.

Also still from his instagram and to give more of the open space feel, I designed his house to have more windows to give the open space effect and for natural light to come in (esp. in his workspace where he paints and creates his masterpiece).

To give the mid century modern touch, I incorporated timber elements into the flooring and exterior part of the house. Timbers are also perfect to match with any colours and patterns.

For a tribute to his amazing (fun and colorful) art, I gave color contrasts in each of the room and areas throughout his house, which mainly consists of basic colors such as blue, yellow and red.

As for the name of the house..
This idea was from his instagram name (my source of inspiration) which is @byflore where he creates and shares his art for public. So this is a tribute for him, "Fo-Flore" which actually only means For Flore with the missing R (just for the swag kind of pronounciation).

Final Model :

