PROJECT 1 : KNOW[ING] the Artist

PROJECT 1 : KNOW[ING] the Artist

This is my first project in my second semester, which is to make an infographic about our chosen artist. To determine our artist, we are to pick from a draw of 5 selected contemporary artists, in which I got Christopher Florentino aka Flore. Then we are tasked to do some research about our artist, collect as much information as possible and organize the informations into an infographic. 

To be honest, I've never heard of Christopher Florentino and I didn't know anything about him when I got his name. After a quick google about him out, turns out that he's a contemporary fine artist and interior designer. In my opinion his art was something that reminds you of the street art style because it is kind of graffiti-like and vibrant in colour.

The Universe


Ancient Egypt Was My Past

Above are some of his arts, you can check out more at 

It is kind of difficult to find more information about his personal life. His blog and the articles online didn't really provide much. Not giving up though, after further searching his other social media account, turns out he is actually quite active in his instagram account. Check his instagram out at @byflore. He has 2 thousand something posts which are A LOT which makes it a hassle to stalk through his first ever post. But his instagram definitely shows more of his development in his art style rather than his blog which posts mostly the same style and is quite outdated. 

So here it is, my final infographic!
(p.s his art looks a bit out of shape in the infographic above is because it was because it's pop-up in real life)

The top part explains his personal biodata and the bottom part is actually a timeline in a route form, to guide you through the development of his art style derived from his first posts in instagram until his latest. Hence why I used hashtags in this infographic. 

You may think that this looks like a treasure map inspired. Well, it is actually pacman inspired at first, but since pacman routes are too straight and no fun, so I decided to add a twist of the style inspired by Flore. It is a twist incorporated with the keywords I concluded from his arts, which are irregular, repetitive, overlapping and fun. 

As to explain why I chose those keywords. 

It is repetitive and overlapping because of the repeating square shapes in his art background that is overlapping each other, which also correlates with irregular because his arts has no pattern, and the squares are randomly placed. It was all drawn by his own free-will. And the fun part is due to the vibrant bold colours, the cartoons elements that gives off the fun vibe in his art.
