Sketchnote and Poster

Sketchnote and Poster

In this semester, our theme were the animals from Malaysia's Zoo Negara. 

For our first assignment, we are individually tasked to choose an animal from Zoo Negara for our inspiration throughout the semester and do a research on the animal and produce a sketchnote based on the findings of our research.

After much contemplation, I chose to do the snakes.

Actually, to be honest, I chose the snakes because initially I thought they are easy to draw. Well they actually are easy to do, but the snake's scale takes a long time to draw, especially if you need to draw snakes on  the whole A2 size paper.

Turns out, someone also did a snake for the sketchnote, so I had to narrow it down into a certain species. So I chose the Cobra snake because of it's unique hood. 

For the second assignment, we are required to extract 3 intangible and tangible keywords each from our chosen animal and include it in a poster drawing. 

The keywords that I extracted from cobra are vicious (because they are dangerous), mighty (comes from the king cobra species), hooded (due to its unique feature), scaly, flexible and elegant. These keywords would be applied into my future models later on. 
